Meet at the Water Tower in Convoy 23 Awards presented to all vehicles that pay entry fee Dash Plaques to First 40 registrations Door Prizes – 50/50 Drawing Lots of food will be available from the local merchants Proceeds will be used to cover the cost of the show.
Pure worship is what I like to call it. Not just worship, but PURE worship. It’s not about the song that is being sung, but it’s about giving your whole heart to God; glorifying his name. Pure worship is costly, eternal, and driven by love. -Abby
Maya Wright, Director of Interpretation of the Kirkland Museum of Fine and Decorative Art, will speak on the life and artwork of Vance Kirkland. Mr. Kirkland was born in Convoy in 1904. He moved to Denver, Colorado in 1929 where he became a successful painter and educator.
Enjoy a tasty pork dinner including pulled pork, noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, dinner roll, and a cookie. Presale tickets only
Pie Flavors: Board Members Jennifer Brant, Jason Cox, Ruth Ann Densel, Connie Fiock, Jessica Holden, Clair and Cindy Harting, Raymond Hertz, Denis McCoy, Jan McIntosh, Fran Neiswander, Vicki Saylor, David Thomas, Larry Webb and Rose Wherry Download this mail in form to pay with check or cash.